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What is an industrial tablet?

Date:2021-11-09   Author:   Click:

Industrial tablets are defined by three characteristics: the application fields of industrial tablets are relatively special, including AI intelligence, machine vision, UAV, special equipment, rail transit, new retail, industry 4.0, smart city, automobile manufacturing, library, archives, smart library, rail transit, logistics, clothing, pharmacy, aviation, ticket, article tracking and anti-counterfeiting. The form factor and installation options required in each field are different.


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Industrial tablets are rugged solutions that meet demanding environmental requirements, such as protection from liquids and dust, extreme temperatures, and high shock and vibration. Industrial tablets are long-life solutions that can be used for many years.

1. Industrial tablet form factor and installation

Industrial tablets, industrial box computers and industrial monitors are designed for deployment in factory automation, food manufacturing, production floors, kiosks and other industrial applications.

Industrial touch screen tablets and industrial monitors can be installed in the cut-out of the housing so that the touch screen area is flush with the surface. When installed in Hoffman shell, Pelican shell or cabinet door, it is usually necessary to install touch screen tablet computer on industrial panel. Industrial Box PCs and fanless embedded systems are specifically designed for automated computing in factory environments. Industrial Box PCs include mounting brackets so that they can be fixed to walls or other surfaces for permanent installation. Many fanless industrial tablets include DIN rail mounting, which is necessary for many factory tablet applications. These installation options are not available on consumer or enterprise tablets.

2. Environmental requirements for industrial tablets

Many industrial automation applications require tablets that can withstand harsh environmental conditions. Some examples include the requirements for dust-proof tablets, wide temperature tablets and waterproof tablets.

When choosing tablets for use in dusty environments, fanless industrial tablets are the best choice. Tablets with fans may fail and degrade performance due to dust contamination. Tablets with fans inhale dust, which collects on internal components and blocks the necessary airflow. When the system is affected by dust pollution, its cooling capacity will be reduced. When the Intel processor does not cool properly, a built-in protection mechanism called heat limitation is activated. Heat limitation reduces the clock speed of the CPU to prevent the CPU from overheating, which reduces the performance of the system. If the system operates under these conditions for a long time, the pressurized internal components will fail early. Many of jawest's industrial tablets have enhanced dust protection. These industrial tablets not only have no fans, but also adopt unique heat dissipation design, die-casting aluminum or stainless steel shell, and there are no vents, so there is no threat of dust pollution. It is recommended that the industrial fanless tablet be used in dusty environments.

3. Product lifecycle and long term availability

Perhaps the most important difference between industrial tablets and consumer alternatives is life cycle support. Most consumer and business grade tablets offer a very limited procurement life cycle. Unless specifically stated by the manufacturer, these types of tablets are usually discontinued within six to twelve months. This may cause problems for industrial applications. When tablet components change, there are usually unnecessary side effects. Software that has been proven to run on a system may not work properly on new hardware iterations. Many industrial tablet IT professionals prefer to lock the operating system image for deployment on all systems in the field. When the hardware component changes, the operating system image is no longer compatible, which requires the creation of a new software image when the hardware changes. Managing different software deployments on multiple hardware platforms complicates the IT infrastructure and is never desirable. In addition to motherboard and internal component changes, consumer and enterprise tablets will also be affected by shape factors. The shape of the PC case and touch screen of the consumer tablet will often change, so the consumer tablet available after six months may no longer be suitable for the application.


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